

Our website uses 饼干 and other related technologies (for convenience all technologies are referred to as “饼干”). In the content below, we inform you about the use of 饼干 on our website.

cookie是数据块, 通常存储在文本文件中, that websites place on visitors’ computers to store a range of information, usually specific to that visitor – or rather the device they are using to view the site – like the browser or mobile phone.

饼干s allow you to login on one page, then move around to other pages and stay logged in. 它们允许您设置页面显示的首选项, 为了让你下次回到这里时能记住这些.

cookie还可以用来监视您在不同站点之间访问的页面, 这样广告商就能了解你的兴趣了. Then when you land on a site that shows one of their adverts – they can tailor it to those interests. 这就是所谓的“行为广告”.

几乎所有的网站都以某种方式使用cookie, and every page you visit in those sites writes 饼干 to your computer and receives them back from it. 饼干s are incredibly useful – they allow modern websites to work the way people have come to expect – with every increasing level of personalisation and rich interactive 功能ity.

饼干s are categorised depending on what function they are set to perform:

Some 饼干 ensure that certain parts of the website work properly and that you can access the service you require and that your user preferences remain known. 通过放置这些cookie,我们使您更容易访问我们的网站. 这种方式, you do not need to repeatedly enter the same information when visiting our website and, 例如, 当你使用电子商务网站时, 这些商品一直留在你的购物车里,直到你付款. 我们可能会在未经您同意的情况下放置这些必要的饼干.

分析饼干 are used to assist us optimize the website experience for users. 通过这些分析cookie,我们可以了解我们网站的使用情况. 我们必须征得您的同意才能放置分析cookie.

广告cookie使我们能够为您定制广告, 我们(和第三方)可以了解竞选结果. 有了这些饼干, 作为网站访问者, 链接到一个唯一的ID, 例如,你不会看到同一个广告多次出现. Because these 饼干 are marked as tracking 饼干, we must ask your permission to place these.

Buttons such as for Facebook and Instagram are sometimes used to promote webpages (e.g. “like”,“pin”)或share(分享).g. “推特”)在Facebook和Instagram等社交网络上发布. These buttons work using pieces of code coming from Facebook and Instagram themselves. 这段代码放置cookie. These social media buttons also can store and process certain information, 这样你就可以看到个性化的广告.

Please read the privacy statement of these social networks (which can change regularly) to read what they do with your (personal) data which they process using these 饼干. 检索到的数据尽可能是匿名的.

还使用了其他技术,例如脚本. A script is a piece of program code that is used to make our website function properly and interactively. 此代码在我们的
服务器或您的设备上. 网络信标(或像素标签)是一个小的, invisible piece of text or image on a website that is used to monitor traffic on a website. 为此,我们使用网络信标存储有关您的各种数据. Tracking technologies are also used by some 饼干 to provide analytical data and reAdvertising. 您可以通过浏览器设置控制跟踪cookie.

当您第一次访问我们的网站时, 我们将向您展示一个弹出窗口,其中包含有关cookie的解释. 只要你点击"接受所有cookie ", you consent to us using all 饼干 and plug-ins as described below in this cookie policy. You can also manage which 饼干 you wish to be set through our consent pop up. Alternatively, you can also manage the way your web browser handles 饼干 by using this link http://cookiepedia.co.英国/ how-to-manage-Cookie

We may make agreements about the use of 饼干 with other companies that place 饼干. 然而, we cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. Parties such as 谷歌 and YouTube are to be considered as independent data controllers within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation. 我们建议您阅读这些公司的隐私声明.


饼干 描述 持续时间 类型 第三方数据共享
_ga 这个cookie是由谷歌 Analytics安装的. cookie用于计算访问者, 会话, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site’s 分析 report. The 饼干 store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. 13个月 分析 谷歌
DV These 饼干 track and collect data to deliver and retarget ads tailored to user preferences based on specific websites visited. 1天 广告 谷歌
_glc_au 这个cookie的目的主要是为了营销. It helps advertisers see if their ad clicks are turning into successful purchases or sign-ups on their websites. 3个月 广告 谷歌
test_cookie Used by 谷歌 DoubleClick to register and report the site user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user. 1天 广告 谷歌
_Secure-ENID 注册唯一标识返回用户设备的ID. 该ID用于定向广告. 1年 广告 谷歌
EUULE EUULE,第三方. 位置饼干, Sends precise location information from your browser to 谷歌’s servers so that 谷歌 can show you results that are relevant to your location. 1天 功能 谷歌
soc 用于存储用户澳门官方老葡京cookie选择的状态. 1年 必要的 谷歌
原子能委员会 原子能委员会 饼干 ensure that requests within a browsing 会话 are made by the user, 而不是其他网站. These 饼干 prevent malicious sites from acting on behalf of a user without that user’s knowledge. 6个月 必要的 N/A
Move_gdpr_popup These 饼干 are set by the GDPR cookie consent platform to provide options for consent and record that consent. 1年 必要的 N/A